Thursday, August 2, 2007

Friends to die for

Have you got any of those?
If you don't, get one.

You never really know how much you love a person until you have to go the extra mile on their behalf.

I've been doing a lot of that lately and trying to find the balance in it all. Is there such a thing as doing too much for a friend. I really don't know but i have discovered (and i ain't bragging) that i am a good friend. I can be relied on in a tough situation. It is possible to be selfless (Depends sha).

So enough of me sounding like the angel i definitely am not.

Lets really get down to the stuff on my mind.


I am so tired of the craze. It is making me sick. It is like a fever all round the world.

A competition.
Everyone has to be the dopest, most in love.................................................couple on earth.


Enough with it already.
I swear a single person could be driven to suicide.
Is it really the end all and be all?
I see babes taking absolute Bull Shit from their men because they feel he is ready to pop the question. Whyyyyyyyyyyyyyy???

If the guy is an ass now he will be an ass in 20yrs (supposing you make it past the first 5).

I honestly don't know when i became so disillusioned but if i get married could i please be allowed to hide away and do the deed?

Let's introduce the families screaming 'HEAVEN FORBID' to such a suggestion. You would think it would kill them to step back a little. I look forward to marriage and the wedding day but the months building up to that? Absolute torture.

Am i complaining unnecessarily or does someone out there agree with me?