Thursday, August 9, 2007

Amebo withdrawal.

I cant get on the Internet.

ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh mo gbe!!!!
My boss thinks i am a machine. Ki lo de?
Only me?

I really want to find out what's happening but guys it's impossible. I am swamped. What to do?
hmmmm the options are endless.
quit? Naaaaaaaaaaaaa I'll starve
So i guess i will have to just get over it. But damn it is so frustrating.

To everyone out there NEVER let your boss know the true lengths and depths you are capable off cause then he/she will always expect a miracle.

That's all the tirade i have time for.
Unbiased over and out.


Anonymous said...

awwww.. it'll be iite dahling...