As i return back to my darling whose name is life, i decided to see what i have been missing. I then came upon a story about an 11 year old boy getting married to his 10 year old cousin. Rubbish!!
Olorun ma je ka ri oshi (God don't let us see nonsense)!! Said boy had the audacity to say that now he is married he can concentrate on his studies. Omo primary school!!
"I am ready for this marriage. It will help me study better," Mohammed, who goes to primary school in the northern province of Hail, was quoted by Al-Shams as saying.
"I invite all my classmates to do like me," the boy said, adding that he wanted to "crown a love story through marriage". (A 10 year old now knows about love?)
The schoolboy's father, Muraizak al-Rashidi, told the newspaper he was busy sending out invitations for a summer celebration to seal the marriage. (Am i the only sane person here that thinks say papa brain dey touch sef)
Dahim al-Jaber, the headmaster at Mohammed's school, said marriage at such a young age was "inappropriate" but wished the couple a happy life together.
"I invite all my classmates to do like me," the boy said, adding that he wanted to "crown a love story through marriage". (A 10 year old now knows about love?)
The schoolboy's father, Muraizak al-Rashidi, told the newspaper he was busy sending out invitations for a summer celebration to seal the marriage. (Am i the only sane person here that thinks say papa brain dey touch sef)
Dahim al-Jaber, the headmaster at Mohammed's school, said marriage at such a young age was "inappropriate" but wished the couple a happy life together.
Omo ti oye ki e no! Imagine an 11 year old in your acquaintance (lets no even go as far as family) yarning this kind of thing near you. Your reactions?
I am sure that some of them are unprintable sef. Needless to say that your actions will bring about a change of heart (cough cough).
Well Monday was 'Paddy's day and we had a 'humble parade' in the village where i find myself. I included a few pics but not much as my computer is taking too long to upload.
Also last weekend i went to the Marble arch caves. The experience is only for those who love nature and like to do live tours. if not then it was just a bunch of people walking about in underground caverns in the cold looking at the incredible formations and wondering about the awesomeness of God in creating such details. Pictures to come later.
I am beginning to feel some pains in my back and tiredness in my bones. I am off to take panadol and hope this pain is gone by 4am when i need to rise so as not to miss my flight. I am going to the land of Mama Charley tomorrow for Easter break. Any pain in my body, i bind you in the name of Jesus. I counter attack you with nurofen and panadol. Your hold on my body is totally broken. lol!!
I'll come back and tidy this post up later but for now i gotta run and get 4hrs of sleep so as not to sleep on the wheel in the morning. Tata blogsville.
my friend where is that t-shirt?
I bind all the pain with you...
I have warned you about all your cooking and challenging me on blogville! omo mind yasef.....
so, when can i get my own shirt? would like mine black...
apology accepted. LOl
nice t-shirt
sweetie, bawo ni easter break? se u had fun?
these ur cup cakes na helele
mere looking at it dem may tummy rumble. loll small small o
guess the headache went away by fire? abeg na MFM u dey go?
"I am ready for this marriage. It will help me study better,"
Hmmm, only a marriage helps you not study (or even live) better. You have to feel fulfilled (complete) to appreciate marriage (where the other compliments you).
Oops, did you say the groom's 11years? What??? 'tis much more than meets the eye. Is it really?
'tis simply a brilliant show of illiteracy (unfortunately, they talked of school).
How come i got not my cake?
Aww she wore our shirt..nice nice..looks good on u..will let Mr know dat u like:-)
Cupcakes abi??? hmm wat happened to our challenge...v u backslidden???
have no comment abt those little kids..obviously na their parents dey kolo
@ naomi
Keep your eyes away from my shirt!!
@ Ms Catwalq
If you want a shirt i can ask abi for the hookup.
@ Anuboy
Thanks bro. I feel on top of the world now and twas a lovely easter.
Thanks dolls
Not MFM my sister. Pure Anglican. lol!!
If you ever in my town i'll undergo baking again. lol!!
Darling mi. I have not backslidden o!! I am still on the challenge. Mail me on who Mr got to do the shirts. I just might be up to ordering more.
Imagine i noticed we have the same colour. lol!!
insane!!!! PERIOD!
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